


《老旧运输船舶和单壳油轮提前报废更新实施方案》日前发布。 《方案》明确中央安排专项资金对2013年至2015年报废更新的老旧运输船舶和单体油轮按1500元/总吨提前补贴,加快结构性调整船舶工业调整。优化机队结构,促进节能减排。






与2010年计划相比,今年《方案》将补贴基数由2010年的1000元/总吨提高到1500元/总吨,老旧运输船舶提前拆解期限提前2- 10年放宽为提前1-10年。 2010年的计划还规定,新船必须在2012年6月30日之前建造才能获得补贴,但这《方案》并没有要求更新船舶建造时限。





张新龙表示,《方案》最大的亮点是“航运公司可以将所有拆解和新建船舶的总吨位合并起来进行计算”、“新船的类型可以由公司自主选择” ”。这意味着航运公司可以拆解三艘5万吨级小型船舶,再建造另一艘15万吨级船舶。同时集装箱船还可以拆建为散货船。这对于化解航运业运力过剩、调整运力结构具有积极作用,也符合当前船舶大型化的趋势。








?天狮造船、 中船防务、中船集团。 。 。

4。江苏舜天造船股份有限公司 天眼查

经核查,中国股市具有船舶概念的股票包括但不限于:中国船舶重工、广船国际、中国重工、舜天造船、 CSSC防御,CSSC。 。 。

5. Introduction to Sainty Shipbuilding Company

Jinling Shipyard in Nanjing, Wujiazui Shipyard, Dongze Shipyard, China Shipping Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Yangzi Shipyard in Yizheng, Sainty Shipyard, Guoyu Shipyard, Sentosa Shipyard wait!

Zhenjiang Shipyard, Thorpe Shipyard and Runchang Shipyard in Zhenjiang.

Dongfang Shipyard, New Century and New Era Shipyard in Jingjiang.

Nantong Rongsheng Heavy Industry, Hantong Shipyard, COSCO, Mingde, Wison, Kawasaki, etc.!

Taizhou’s port shipyard, Sanfu Shipyard!

Yangzhou: Yangzhou Dayang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (Pacific Group), Yangzhou Kejin Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.;

Jiangyin: CSSC Chengxi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipyard Co., Ltd.; Wuxi Shipyard, Wuxi Hongqi Shipyard, Wuxi Dongfang High-speed Boat Development Co., Ltd., Wuxi Hongsheng Shipyard, Wuxi Donghong Shipyard, Wuxi Huayang Speedboat Factory

6. Jiangsu Sainty Ship Development Co., Ltd.

Shuntian is a group company, collectively known as Sainty Group, with several subsidiaries. Sainty Ship is one of the holding subsidiaries and is listed in Shenzhen listed companies. Jiangsu Sainty Football Club is also run by Sainty Group, and Sainty Club is located at the headquarters of Sainty Group.

7. Shanghai Sainty Marine Equipment Co., Ltd.

has the President’s Office, Human Resources Department, Party Committee Office, Assets and Finance Department, Investment Audit Department, Audit Department, Enterprise Development Research Office, Labor Union, etc. The group has nine directly affiliated companies including shares, machinery, textiles, mining, shipping, economic association, non-ferrous metals, real estate, and Bibo Resort, as well as many independent legal entities including third-level subsidiaries, investment companies, and production bases. Up to more than 60. While carrying out import and export trade, the group also actively implements a diversified development strategy, and its business involves manufacturing, hotel tourism, warehousing and transportation, domestic trade, real estate development, automobile sales, and information industry. Among them, Sainty Football and Sainty Overseas Tourism also enjoy high popularity and reputation.

8. How about Shanghai Shuntian Marine Equipment Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Shuntian International Group Co., Ltd., the group has subsidiaries including shares, machinery, textiles, mining, shipping, economic association, non-ferrous metals, real estate, Bibo Resort, etc. There are nine directly affiliated enterprises and more than 60 independent legal entities including third-level subsidiaries, investment enterprises and production bases. Sainty Shipping is a subsidiary of Jiangsu Sainty