
What are the top ten fishing ports in China?

The top ten fishing ports in China are:

1. Zhejiang Shenjiamen Central Fishing Port

2. Zhejiang Shipu Central Fishing Port

3. Jiangsu 吕四 Center Fishing Port

4. Guangdong Zhapo Central Fishing Port

5. Fujian Sansha Central Fishing Port

6. Shandong Shidao Central Fishing Port

7. Guangdong Jieshi Central Fishing Port

8. Guangdong Bohe Central Fishing Port

9. Penglai Central Fishing Port, Shandong

10. Fujian Shacheng Central Fishing Port


The top ten fishing ports in the country are

1. Zhejiang Shenjiamen Central Fishing Port

2. Zhejiang Shipu Central Fishing Port

3. Jiangsu 吕四 Center Fishing Port

4. Guangdong Zhapo Central Fishing Port

5. Fujian Sansha Central Fishing Port

6. Shandong Shidao Central Fishing Port

7. Guangdong Jieshi Central Fishing Port

8. Guangdong Bohe Central Fishing Port

9. Penglai Central Fishing Port, Shandong

10. Fujian Shacheng Central Fishing Port

Shenjiamen Fishing Port is located on the southeast side of Zhoushan Island, facing the East China Sea and backed by Qinglong and Baihu Mountains. It forms a natural sheltered harbor about ten miles long and half a mile wide. It is the largest natural fishing port in China

Shipu Fishing Port, also known as Ligang, is located in Xiangshan, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. It runs northeast to southwest and is a "crescent"-shaped closed harbor with an area of ​​27 square kilometers and a water depth of 4-33 meters. It can accommodate tens of thousands of fishing boats. Thousands of tons of sea-going ships, the harbor is calm and the sea is calm. It is a famous harbor on the southeast coast, a fishing port and a commercial port. It is one of the four major fishing ports in the country.

"吕四 Fishing Port", the full name of "吕四 National Central Fishing Port", is located in the Jiangsu Marine Economic Development Zone (located in Qidong City, Jiangsu Province) in the Jiangsu Marine Economic Development Zone with unique southern Yellow Sea style. In 1989, the fishing port was approved as a provincial second-class port and officially opened to the outside world. In 1992, it was approved as a national first-class mass fishing port by the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1995, the Fishing Port Aquatic Products Wholesale Market was identified as one of the first batch of national key agricultural product central wholesale markets. In 2002, it passed the national central fishing port review and became one of the six national central fishing ports

It is located in the south subtropical tropics, with long sunshine hours throughout the year. The annual average temperature is 22.8℃, the water temperature is 23.5℃, the rainfall is 1816mm, and there are 310 sunny days per year. The climate is pleasant all year round. It is known for its bright sunshine and uniform and soft sand. , is famous for its clear and pure sea water and fresh and pure air. Its various qualities have reached international first-class (grade) standards. It has also become a famous natural bathing beach at home and abroad because of its wide and flat beach, soft and moderate waves, and no sharks. Rated as the Hawaii of the East.

Fujian Sansha Central Fishing Port

北临闽东渔场、浙南渔场,南临闽中渔场,是福建省三沙渔业公司所在地。高潮时海域面积45万平方米,低潮时海域面积28万平方米。该渔港管辖的渔场盛产带鱼、大黄鱼、鳀鱼等。三沙港原是一组以三澳、五澳、东澳、西澳为主的自然口群。 1957年确定为福建省渔业基地后,省投资198万元,与第三、第四、第五岙口三个岙口形成人工避风港。


石岛渔港西面群山环绕,东面有锆铘岛保护。新中国成立前,有3个简陋的小码头,主要为鱼店服务,是货船的主要锚地。还有几艘流网渔船正在卸货。 1972年,国家投资878万元建设内港。到1976年,主要港口竣工。岸墙及桥墩长1047米,护岸长142米,防波堤长150米,附有两个码头冰桥墩。它是我国北方最大的。大众渔港也是山东省国家投资最大的渔港。


碣石中心渔港位于粤东碣石湾东岸。是经农业部批准的国家中心渔港。渔港毗邻香港、澳门。 1965年被誉为国家万吨级渔港、全国十大渔港之一。碣石镇是汕尾市陆丰三大镇之一。也是广东省中心镇、国家重点镇。它有沿海海滩。地势广阔,海岸线长达43公里,总人口超过30万,其中渔民超过3万





