


渤海/黄海/东海:烟台-大连(有多条港口航线)威海-大连蓬莱-旅顺天津-旅顺小洋山-大阳山/嵊泗/岱山皋亭/岱山双河/泗礁/朱家尖(准确的说,洋山属于嵊泗,是上海借来的) 瑞安港-南麂岛 珠三角城际轮渡:澳门外港-香港 屯门 澳门外港-香港港澳客轮码头/中港客运码头 澳门外港-香港机场 澳门内港-珠海湾仔 澳门凼仔-中港客运码头 澳门外港/凼仔-深圳蛇口 深圳机场-澳门外港/深圳凼仔机场-香港机场/屯门 深圳机场-香港港澳客轮码头 深圳蛇口-香港机场 深圳蛇口-香港港澳客轮码头 深圳蛇口-澳门凼仔 深圳 蛇口-珠海九洲、深圳东涌-惠州三门岛(航班不固定) 深圳杨梅坑-惠州腊甲岛(航班不固定) 珠海九洲-香港机场 珠海九洲-香港中国客运码头/港澳客轮码头 珠海湾仔-澳门内陆虎门港 - 中港客运码头 虎门码头 - 南沙轮渡 南沙客运码头 - 香港机场 南沙客运码头 - 中港客运码头 中港客运码头 - 番禺莲花山 中港客运码头 - 中山港 中港客运码头航站楼——斗门——顺德中港客运码头——鹤山——高明中港客运码头——江门中港客运码头——开平三步港(珠三角航班航线太多,以上可能是闽台轮渡:​​ 平潭黄旗-马祖北竿 福州马尾-马祖 南竿 平潭-台中(每日不发船) 平潭-台北(每日不发船) 厦门-台中(每日不发船) 厦门-基隆(每日不发船) )


(前往厦门大学漳州校区) 厦门五通码头 - 金门水头码头 泉州 - 金门水头码头(具体信息网上查不到船期) 浙江玉环

大麦岛 - 基隆

(航班很少。recommend! ) Penghu-Chiayi Butai Port (90 minutes fast boat) Penghu-Kaohsiung


(The sailing schedule is very irregular. It is a boat from Penghu to Qimei, and some are extended to Kaohsiung. Recommended!) Keelung-Matsu Kenting Houbi Lake-Lanyu (only operates in peak season, other times you have to take a boat in Taitung) Hainan Relevant ferry routes: Xuwen Haian-Haikou Xiuying Xuwen Beigang-Haikou Nangang (rail ferry) Beihai-Haikou Sanya-Sansha (Coconut Princess regular cruise, need to join a group) Inland shipping (only longer routes are listed):

Chongqing Chaotianmen-Yichang Port






Wuqiang Creek-Yuanling

(The cruise route shown in 《湘行散记》 is recommended!)



Shexian Shendu-Qiandao Lake

(Recommended!) Wait

2. Zhongshan Port to Hong Kong International Airport Terminal

You can pay with mobile phone when buying tickets at Zhongshan Terminal.

Zhongshan Port Terminal currently has two ways of selling tickets, online and offline.

Online, follow "Zhongshan Port Terminal" on WeChat. After registering with your mobile phone number, you can buy tickets. You can buy round-trip tickets from Zhongshan to Hong Kong and Macau Terminal, and from Zhongshan to Hong Kong Airport. You can sell them for the next 15 days. of votes.

Tickets can be purchased online at ticket outlets in various towns and districts in Zhongshan, and tickets for the next 20 days can be purchased. For example, in the urban area, I have a little bit between Lihe Plaza and the International Hotel. Another option is to buy tickets on site at the pier.

3. Ferry tickets from Zhongshan Port to Hong Kong Airport

Zhongshan Port Terminal currently has two ways to sell tickets, online and offline.

Online, follow "Zhongshan Port Terminal" on WeChat. After registering with your mobile phone number, you can buy tickets. You can buy round-trip tickets from Zhongshan to Hong Kong and Macau Terminal, and from Zhongshan to Hong Kong Airport. You can sell them for the next 15 days. of votes.

Tickets can be purchased online at ticket outlets in various towns and districts in Zhongshan, and tickets for the next 20 days can be purchased. For example, in the urban area, I have a little bit between Lihe Plaza and the International Hotel. Another option is to buy tickets on site at the pier.

4. How much is the ferry ticket from Hong Kong Airport Pier to Zhongshan Port Pier

The fare ranges from 185 to 410 yuan

The departure times from Zhongshan to Hong Kong are: 08:00, 08:10, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00

The sailing time is about 1 hour and 30 minutes, and both first-class and special-class seats include self-service drinks!

5. Hong Kong Airport to Zhongshan bus

1. Subway + bus. You can take the Shenzhen Metro Luobao Line (Line 1) to Hourui Station and then exit from Exit D and change to the connecting bus line M416.后瑞地铁站至新航站楼的服务时间为6:30-23:30,新航站楼至后瑞地铁站的服务时间为6:30-22:40。发车间隔为5分钟。从后瑞站到新航站楼全程6.5公里,乘坐公交车约10分钟。 M416线设有15节车厢,每节车厢可容纳50人左右。

